Monday, December 22, 2008


I adore 2 movies about music education: Music of my Heart and Mr. Holland's Opus. Studying music was a large part of my childhood and teen years. I was a self-proclaimed "band nerd", playing first the piano, then flute for many years. These movies give me the warm fuzzies and I find their stories inspiring--driving me to continue learning and growing in my love and appreciation of music and myself.

Do any movies inspire you?

Friday, December 05, 2008

A "What Not to Wear" Drinking Game

One of my Friday night ways to unwind is with an episode of "What Not To Wear". However after several years of watching the show, you start to notice certain trends. Thus, a "What Not To Wear" Drinking Game is born.

A shot or in my case a sip of wine (haha!) when the following happens on "What Not To Wear":

- Stacey says "Shut Up!"
- Nick gestures for a hug after finishing the hairstyle
- Carmindy mentions Crest White Strips
- Stacey and Clinton hold hands
- The makeoveree cries during their confession tape between shopping day 1 and 2
- Stacey and Clinton ambush the makeoveree on day 2

With my low tolerance, I would be on the floor after one episode!

Long live Clinton and Stacey!