I've been tagged by Not So Single Girl! Here goes!
Four Jobs I Have Had In My Life
1. Cashier at a Hallmark store
2. Cashier at Disney World!
3. Research assistant in a biology lab
4. Waitress Extrodinaire
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
1. Under the Tuscan Sun
2. French Kiss
3. The Goonies
4. While you were sleeping
Four TV Shows I Like to Watch
1. How I Met Your Mother
2. Nip/Tuck
3. The Office
4. Beauty and the Geek
Four Places I Have Vacationed (Wow, do I need one now!)
1. Buenos Aires ( It was work but like a vacation!)
2. San Francisco
3. Philippines
4. Bahamas
Four of My Favorite Dishes
1. Caprese salad (tomato, basil and mozzerella)
2. Thai Peanut curry
3. Spicy tuna sushi roll
4. Sweet Potato fries (more a side, not really a dish!)
Four Web sites I Visit Daily
1. Gmail
2. Myspace/Facebook
3. Netvibes
4. Wedding Bee!
Four Places I Would Rather Be
1. Visiting friends in Chicago
2. Drinking wine in Wine Country
3. Buenos Aires!
4. NYC
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