Monday, May 19, 2008

Tonight's Dinner

The hubby and I have been inspired by our Wine themed honeymoon to start paring wines with our dinner. Tonight we had the Masaman Thai Curry that I made last night wit jasmine rice. We paired Fetzer Gewurztraminer with our meal, as a Gewurztraminer pairs well with spicy dishes, which this curry certainly was!

Also on a baking note, I made my first pie yesterday! Pics to come.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

From the wedding!

Here is a little pic from my wedding day!

Picture is courtesy of my lovely photographer Lauren!

Can't win them all...

I like to think that I'm a pretty darn good cook. However, I had a small disaster with my flounder this evening. I was following this recipe. However the flour separated from the flounder and I ended up with Flounder hash. Thank goodness it was still somewhat edible as I hate to waste.

Luckily the potatoes that I cooked in our new Dutch Oven as well as the Swiss chard were a success. Don't want to make my poor husband starve!

Monday, May 12, 2008

I know I shouldn't...

but I love Gossip Girl. That Georgina. Crazy! But I love love love it. And now here I am, watching the season finale of The Hills.

In other post wedding news, the pics are in and I promise to share a few on here! Otherwise, just been trying to get the house organized. We were very blessed to have received so many generous gifts so finding room for it all has been a challenge.

Happy Monday to all!